DAy of surgery



  • Do not feed your baby for 90 minutes before your scheduled appointment. You may feed him immediately afterward.
  • Please dress him in a two-piece outfit with separate pants and shirt. This shirt remains on during the procedure. Please try to avoid snaps and zippers.

Please bring the following items:

  1. Ten disposable diapers and a stack of wipes.
  2. Four cloth diapers—the type you place over your shoulder when burping the baby.
  3. Two large tubes of Vaseline petroleum jelly.
  4. A box of 50 of the 4-inch by 4-inch gauze pads. A good brand is Mirasorb, Tru-Absorb, or the Walgreens store brand. However, any brand is fine as long as it is 4”x4”.
  5. A small bottle of grape juice (4 ounces is plenty). Any brand is fine (e.g. Welch’s Grape Juice). Note: The grape juice is combined with brown sugar for the baby to suck which raises his natural endorphins and relaxes him during the procedure. See Video for demonstration

Plan on being in the office for approximately 90 minutes.

Day-of-Surgery Checklist Download

tube of Vaseline

burp cloths

Band-Aid mirasorb gauze sponges

bottle of Welchs grape juice

Pampers wipes

Pampers diapers